WOW before HOW

WOW before HOW is my new mantra for nonprofit communications. Oftentimes, I think that we nice polite well-meaning nonprofit marketing folks tend to be afraid that our audiences will think we’re bragging or sensationalizing. So we try to avoid that scary risk by explaining the details of our work… and only then do we allow […]

conference room table decorated with black scarves, crystal balls, goblets, candles, and a glowing red lamp

Seeing the future…

Team retreat time again! Our theme was “Seeing the Future”, so we walked through a portal of black veils to enter Madame Essie Gee’s Psychic Emporium, aka the SCG conference room. Turns out crystal balls, tea leaves, Magic 8 Ball, and other mystical prognosticators from the dollar store don’t actually work… but fun, food, trust, […]