Angry and disgusted. Not so much at Trump himself for blatantly and undeniably attempting to force Georgia Secretary of State Raffensberger to commit election fraud. Trump is nothing, has never been anything but a blustering bag empty of all except hate, selfishness, and cunning.
No, the only thing that makes him more than pitiful, that has ever given any significance beyond an eye-roll to his utterly nonsensical lies, is and has always been the people willing to sell their souls to support him. To sell out their patriotism for a cruel version of power that betrays everything our country is supposed to stand for. Those GOP senators and representatives, the slapped-down lawsuit filers and other paid hangers-on, the Fox “news” people who pushed his lies for so long and who are now getting pushed aside by even more extreme voices.
And as for the millions upon millions who have chosen to listen to those contemptible lies and believe all the lying liars who tell them — yes, my family members and family friends who still support him, if you’re reading this, I am disgusted and angry with you too. I’ve tried not to say that in quite those words up to now.
But this evidence of our own ears today? That is not how our democracy works. What it is, is an attempted coup. It is treason.
Our system has moved forward with its solemn process. The election was not flawless, but it was found to be free and fair by every branch of our government at every level from local to state to federal. It is over.
You can still despise Biden and not want him to be president; I’m not expecting you to agree with my politics. But if you love our country like you say, if you respect our laws and our Constitution like you say, then today you will stop supporting a coup.
I don’t expect this will change any minds, unfortunately. I just thought it needed to be said.