Who I want to be at work

In my Leadership LA fellowship, we were asked to define our Values and Leadership Principles. I know I frequently fall short of these standards, but this is the best I could come up with to represent who I aspire to be as a leader and colleague:

  • Kindness – treat everyone with warmth and openness rooted in respect for their humanity and gratitude for their contributions.
  • Courage – inspire and be worthy of trust by speaking and acting with integrity rooted in justice.
  • Helping – work collaboratively, with heartfelt dedication, so together we can improve the world around us.
  • Full life – welcome the reality that life is more than work by creating space for people to enjoy being fully human at work and outside it.
  • Growth – support and challenge people to develop their gifts and expand their service to what they care about.

I’d welcome any feedback on these, especially if you have ideas on how I can be more like this person.