Ten years gone

Ten years ago today. We watched Barack Obama’s first inauguration from my dad’s hospital room in Concord, MA. Nurn was a flaming liberal who seriously feared W. would refuse to hand over power. But there we were, watching history and hope on screen, knowing it was pretty clear that Nurn’s own history and hope were ending.

And then. At the 5:40 mark, Obama says, “For us, they fought and died in places like Concord and Gettysburg, Normandy and Khe Sahn.” Concord! He’s talking to us! It’s like he’s telling us, personally, us in particular: “I see you. It’ll be okay.”

Well. It wasn’t okay. Nurn was gone in a month and a week. And I’m glad he can’t see where the country is now.

But the rest of us in that hospital room, and millions who watched in other rooms across the country. We’re still here. Still fighting, still hoping.

It’ll be okay.