River and rocks: a place of courage and change

Happy new year, my dears. You might remember me writing about my beloved and hard-won Rules for who and how I want to be in the world. But I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed by uncertainty for awhile now. I finally had to realize, and admit to myself, that what brought me this far is not exactly what I need to take me forward. This is where I am now:

I followed the Rules here.
Where am I?
Where am I going?

I am standing on rocks in a river.
I am the rocks. I am the river.


I am the rocks. This does not change.

Heart shining unafraid.
I do not need to carry fears.
I free my hands to support my shining heart.
Don’t be mean to me.
I do not turn fear inwards on myself.
I see that it is outside me.
Enjoy life.
I give myself: health, husband, impact, family, friends.

pencil drawing of stick figure holding jagged hurtful-looking objects then looking happy after letting go of them


I am the river. This is how I flow.

I trust me as I am.
I am safe. I am enough. I can just be.

Not knowing is the beginning.
What do I want to learn? What do I want to give?

I am always choosing. I am already changed.
I choose what I try now, and I begin again.

I learn new things, so
I see new choices.

pencil drawing of a stick figure with a circle around her illustrating the cycle of Be, Ask, See, Try


I hold the river and the rocks.
They hold me.
Here and onwards

