It takes a gingerbread village

Today’s quarterly retreat with my team! Theme: “It Takes A Gingerbread Village.” We put on our special personalized aprons (thanks dollar store and iron-on decals!) and Santa hats, ate way too many cookies, and decorated mini-gingerbread houses while occasionally singing along with Christmas carol playlist. Oh and we did some 2017 planning. And did I […]

Plot twist!

Plot twist! Lady zoomed in and stole the parking spot I was signaling to pull into. Gave her “Dude WTF?!” hands; she gave me a shrug. Fumed as I scoured the lot for another spot. Finally parked and started looking for a scrap of paper to leave her a note: Is this really who you […]


When I was teeny, sometimes my papa would take us to the candy shop near his house. It was a place of joy and wonder. Rows of shelves stretching out before me, towering overhead, bursting with treats. I loved it so much, I remember wanting to say goodbye at the end of one visit – […]

No shame

Deep breath: I was so ashamed. It started when I was 12. I could never, ever tell anyone or they would stop loving me. Everybody would think I was crazy and disgusting if they knew that I couldn’t stop pulling my hair out. I’ve been done with the shame for years, and in a better […]