Heart shining unafraid

Tick tick tick tick. 2017 dwindles, 2018 approaches. Would you like to see my personal Rules for who I want to be in the year ahead?

Like I said, I don’t do resolutions, but I do take a deep look at my Rules every six months or so. This time it ended up being more than a tweak. I reorganized to emphasize the centrality of kindness in my life — and also realized that in order to keep kindness from being just plain old people-pleasing, I need a Rule that speaks to me about integrity.

Here is how I hope to live:

1. Heart shining, unafraid.
2. Give myself a full life: health, my husband, satisfying career, a few friends, immediate family.
3. See clearly through kind eyes, speak clearly with true voice.
4. Don’t be mean to me.
5. Enjoy life.

I’m really interested in what if anything these spark for you. Because I’m pretty sure that we’re going to need as much light as we can possibly create together in 2018, my dears. Thank you for being in my life. Hope I’m adding something to yours.