Goodwill to all

I walked in these woods often as a child. These days, I visualize this as the world of my heart, where I rule as queen. Here at the center, I can see three truths that I try to carry with me into the outside world:

One. Nothing and nobody can ever, EVER, come in here and make me do, say, feel, or think anything that I do not choose. It is literally impossible.

Two. I am therefore absolutely safe, and where there is no possibility of attack, there is no need of defense. I am so invulnerable that I am wide open.

Three. This means I am safe here even from myself. I can be utterly, endlessly kind to me. And because there is no barrier, the wave of kindness rolls out from me into the world.

This is how I try to live my goal of heart shining, unafraid.

Today it occurs to me that I can also say this as “peace on earth and goodwill to all.”

Merry Christmas, my dears.