
The battle of Charlottesville

Reflecting on who I am, with this past weekend as my mirror. What is my work in this time? I am hated and distrusted. I am a coastal elite Harvard educated Jewish liberal feminist whose stock in trade is money for social causes. I am dedicated to kindness. My aspiration ...

Wind privilege

Thought experiment: do you believe in wind privilege? My favorite bike ride loops out 5 miles towards the coast and 5 miles back. Outbound, my experience is all about the wind. I curse how it holds me back and makes me fight for every inch. Then I hit the turn ...

I am a criminal.

1. I drive way too fast. All the time. Usually 400+ miles per week. 2. I do not get pulled over. Ever. Only once, fifteen years ago, in my entire life. Police regularly cruise by me unconcerned as I push 80 on the highway. 3. Some people (me) are instantly ...


I don't like to brag, but it *was* pretty clever of me to be born healthy, straight, and gender-conforming to educated white financially stable parents in a safe suburb with excellent schools. It's very comforting to know that other children who are experiencing harder lives should have started off by ...

Camp MemComm

Welcome to Camp MemComm! Summer Camp themed quarterly team retreat with my Membership & Communications team. Astroturf, s'mores, chocolate milk, pine branches and citronella candle on the table. Fish on the window as our lake view. Crackling campfire onscreen. Dollar store gift bags with jumprope, jacks, playdoh, glitter markers, and ...
/ Management philosophy

America the Beautiful

Yesterday I witnessed 400 acts of courage and patriotism. Went to a citizenship fair to check out volunteer opportunities. Saw 300 of my green-card-holding neighbors of all ages and colors, laboriously filling in their 32-page applications which will get sent off to our government asking for the chance to be ...

Race you to the mall

Rolled out of bed, into sweats, and out the door to go shopping for clothes and makeup. I tell myself looking frizzy doesn't matter because my money's still green, right? But that's really not the whole story, is it? I'll be treated with respect anywhere in the mall because I'm ...

And the award goes to…: Women’s March part 2

Dispatch 2 of 2 from your reporter at the Orange County Women's March: favorite signs seen along the route, by category. Category: Puns & Wordplay 1. WE ARE NOT OVARY-ACTING 2. IT'S UTER-US NOT UTER-YOU 3. IKEA HAS MORE QUALIFIED CABINETS 4. TRUMP LIES MATTER 5. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE 6 ...

This is what democracy looks like: Women’s March part 1

Dispatch 1 of 2 from your reporter at the Orange County Women's March: Streets full of thousands of smiles on all kinds of faces. Skies full of sun and cottony clouds. Voices and signs raised in joyful and peaceful resistance. A few of this reporter's favorite moments: - We sing ...

It’s all downhill from here 🙂

Office holiday party weeee! As if having it at Paramount Pictures wasn't awesome enough thanks to boss's connections there, I had a ton of fun setting up Ski Trip theme: "ski lift" with our staff headshots on little dangling skiers, dollar-store hat and gloves on each chair, paper mountains on ...
/ Management philosophy

It takes a gingerbread village

Today's quarterly retreat with my team! Theme: "It Takes A Gingerbread Village." We put on our special personalized aprons (thanks dollar store and iron-on decals!) and Santa hats, ate way too many cookies, and decorated mini-gingerbread houses while occasionally singing along with Christmas carol playlist. Oh and we did some ...
/ Management philosophy

Hearts and minds

Grateful to my friends who really do have "the best words" - the facts & figures at your fingertips, the tightly woven arguments, the sharp retorts that expose flaws in reasoning. Thank you for organizing people, thank you for holding others accountable, thank you for teaching & fighting for justice ...