And the Adulting Award goes to…

Stick-figure doodle of my alter ego Curly Girl holding a blue ribbon award that says "Good Enough"

Y’all, I am feeling pretty darned adulty over here and going to celebrate for a second.

Last night I had a wave of anxiety about a Thing That Might Happen Tomorrow (TTMHT). Started telling myself a story in which a few random recent nothings were signs that a big scary disaster was brewing.

Instead of going down a worry spiral, I decided that I would spend the next morning’s walk thinking about how I would handle TTMHT if it did in fact Happen.

Yeah, I ended up having to remind my brain about that plan a couple times when it tried to bring up the story again, but it mostly let me rest.

Then exactly as planned, this morning on my walk, I came up with the first thing I would say, what my goals would be, and how I wanted to conduct myself if TTMHT became a Thing That Really Happened Today. Went into my day feeling as prepared as I could be, for… nothing. Not a damn thing. A/k/a, the best possible outcome.

That… worked remarkably well. I recommend it. To anyone who may find it useful. Such as myself, the next time. Because I’m sure there will be a next time. There always is, isn’t there?